Last Blog Post

 Total Spring Hours: 12

April hours: 3.5

Writing my last blog post feels bittersweet. I can honestly say that enrolling in this program was one of my best decisions. I have learned so much these past few months and it makes me sad that it has come to an end. This semester especially I felt like I was being pushed out of my comfort zone with all of the presentations we were assigned which was good for me. I still suck at presenting but practice makes improvement and I am grateful for that. A week after graduation I take the MCAT so once I get that out of the way I feel like I will be a lot less stressed but I feel very behind on my preparation so we will see. 

I was super busy this month so for community service I volunteered online through volunteer match in which I was able to help teach kids at the Northlake Behavioral Health System how to read. I really enjoyed this activity because even though I didn’t have much time to much volunteering I still felt helpful and it was time efficient since I could do it from home and it was for the most part on my own time. We also did another quilling session with a bunch of people from class which was fun. I am honestly dreading graduation day and separating from my classmates and friends but I’m looking forward to visiting them wherever they go after they leave New Orleans. Lastly, I’m excited to see where all of my classmates end up over the next few years and all of their accomplishments.  


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