November blog post

November hours: 5

Fall cumulative hours: 10

 Earlier this month my friend and classmate, Uma, was kind enough to teach our class how to create these little cards that we made for children in foster homes. Another great classmate, Crystal, was able to get the cards delivered to the children in time for Thanksgiving. The cards were so much fun to make and my classmates and I had so much fun putting them together. We plan on getting together and making them again before Christmas and giving them to another set of kids. In elementary school and middle school my class would always decorate cards for other kids in foster homes or for the old folks homes so it was sweet to be old enough to understand what we were doing then and then taking the time now to do that again. It was a really a fun time and a nice break for our brains and a good bonding experience.

In our most recent module we learned about the renal and the pulmonary system and pharmacology. I have always had a hard time following the renal system but I was able to really understand it in this module and it was a relief realizing that I understood the system well and was confident in my abilities to understand it. It was almost sort of a breakthrough for me with the renal system.

Today, Uma, Gianna, and I, went to second harvest food bank to get some hours volunteering. We sorted food and other goods into boxes and packed and labelled them. If I’m being honest, with all the lifting we did of the 15-20 pound boxes I'm feeling a little sore. We got flowers from the food bank directors which was really sweet but it was my grandma's 78th birthday today so I did end up giving them to her but I was honest about how I got them. In all, we had fun and time really passed so quickly I’m looking forward to going back and volunteering again.


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