January blog post
January hours: 1.5 Total spring hours: 1.5 This month was a hard adjustment with being put on zoom again for an extended amount of time. I am so excited to go back to in person classes and see all of my classmates again. Being stuck in Mandeville with my parents has been quite a time but words can't express how ready I am to be back. The second week back two of my classmates and I picked up and went to the beach so we wouldn't be stuck at home any longer. It was a nice getaway but getting back into school mode was difficult for me. Especially with studying for the MCAT its hard to split up my time but its manageable. This month I volunteered at the animal shelter, I had to do the training and orientation which was emotional. I have a huge soft spot for homeless dogs especially pitbulls, which occupied 70% of the shelter, so I had a hard time leaving there. Most of my dogs have been rescues so I felt like that was a good volunteer opportunity for me but it was heartbrea...